The people who influenced me to pursue STEM

One of the main people that influenced me was my Mom because at a young age she reinforced the idea in me that I could do anything I could set my mind to. So, once I got to college and it was time to pick a major, I thought "Why not challenge myself and pursue a STEM degree on the pre-medicine track?" My mom is also one of the most hardworking women that I know and seeing her work so hard to provide for me and my siblings, I was inspired to do the same. I also thought about my childhood pediatrician who was a female and thought "If she could do it then what is stopping me from doing it?" Being a doctor or scientist seemed so far fetch until I started to think about the women in my life who were capable of doing it and since they could, I knew I probably could too.
A historical figure who inspired me to want to go into the STEM field is Rosalind Franklin. She was a female scientist who helped contribute to the discovery of DNA in the early 1900s but is often not given the recognition for it. She pursued science at a time that very few women were involved in the science world and paved the weigh for all future female scientists.
“Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated” - Rosalind Franklin