Interview with my female friend, Ibukun, about being a woman in STEM. Ibukun is a sophomore sociology major on the pre-med track at TCU.

What made you want to pursue being a woman in stem?
I want to be a doctor specifically an OBGYN so I can help more women because women are overlooked in society and not taken seriously.
Did you ever want to quit being a woman in stem? If so, what else would you have pursued?
No because I don’t have the interest to pursue any other career.
Do you like being a woman in STEM? What do you like most about the community?
Yes because it shows that I can do anything I set my mind to. I like that i can find other people that can relate and struggle with me
What kept you going when you started to lose motivation as a woman in stem?
That I want to make a difference in the world and the struggle is worth the difference I want to make
What was/is the hardest thing about being a woman in stem? Any major obstacles to overcome?
Worst part is balancing social and study life and I was able to overcome that by sucking it up and realizing that bad grades are worse than missing out on a party
Did you find a community with other women in stem? Has it been a community you can rely on and become involved in?
Yes to everything and because I enjoy talking with other women in stem
Do you feel like you had to work harder to prove yourself as a woman in STEM when compared to the men in STEM?
Not yet because TCU is predominantly women so there isn't a large male presence in our classes.
Why do you think being a woman in STEM is important to others outside of women in STEM? Basically, why should people care about women in STEM?
There are not many women in STEM so you want to show women that they can pursue careers and go down routes that most women avoid.